You don’t really know whether Enlightenment is wonderful or not, but what you should know is that it’s freedom, all the options are open
— Namgyal Rinpoche

Living in the Mystery is a playful, intuitive, prayerful, paradoxical and magical adventure. You can live it, dance it, laugh at it, experience it but you can never know it. Mystery is unexplainable, unknowable, an intangible state of consciousness that we are infinitely drawn toward. It takes a steadfast commitment to break through the illusions of Self. We all want this and to support a life of mystery, we can practice taking refuge in Truth, Love and Awakening. 

Investigating the truth of who and what you are is destructive, shocking and revolutionary. Exploring the mystery of life leads to spiritual unfoldment and the understanding of absolute truth. Mystery teachings unravel the structure of how things work in a universal sense. The Awakened Ones lovingly dwell in the mystery of constant change, endless struggle and unitive consciousness. 

Mystery of Awareness - Truth

To become aware is to be in touch with truth. Awareness is not found in the brain and that might be an unbelievable fact to accept, yet no one has been able to locate the source of awareness. What we do know is that there is a mysterious inner self noting and commenting all day long. Our work is to crystallize that part in us that sees all that is coming and going. What happens to this witness when we go to bed or when we check out and mentally wander while driving? 

The more aware we become, the greater the unravelling of universal truths. Our work is to integrate these mysteries of being into our daily lives. 

Studying the Mystery does not answer life’s existential questions. It raises better and far more profound ones. In 4WTF Mystery practices, you learn to inquire into what it is that is presenting itself to you right here and now. Ask yourself: What is this? What am I experiencing right now? Is this true?

Direct experience is truth itself embodied as wisdom and it is accessible to you from moment to moment. 

Mystery of Unity - Love

The solid nature of the body and the power of the thinking mind creates a false sense of separation between you and the external world. You believe you are separate from nature, from the universe and from others but upon closer examination, the boundaries between self and other start to disappear. When you look closely at the lines in the sand, unitive consciousness is the resultant state leading us to a greater capacity to experience love. 

Ultimately there is no comfort without inner peace regardless of how wealthy you may be. When you finally realize absolute truth, you learn to accept your quirky self and all the mysterious personas dancing on earth. You let go of the fear of uniting with other(s) because you realize that you are one (everything is interconnected). You are other and other is you.

It’s vital to a seeker’s spiritual growth to spend time in a circle of like minded individuals who are seeking to conquer their conditioned separate ego. Finding your place among a group, a few select others or even a trusted therapist is imperative for anyone who longs to awaken so being in good company is non-negotiable. Modern western society is classically individualistic and narcissistic. Taking refuge in the group body takes courage, radical self-honesty and compassion. 

Who ultimately holds you responsible when you are not following through on your personal mission? 

Mystery of Awakening 

There are those who live so fully in the present moment that your mere encounter with them can set the heart a flame. This activation of the heart and it’s longing for deeper awakening puts you in direct contact with elevated states of being like joy, grace, unity, generosity, trust, beauty, compassion, imagination and loving kindness. 

Saying YES to whatever is presenting itself to you in the moment is a gateway to living a genuinely authentic life. Learning to venture into the paradox of our lives deepens our resiliency. The path to Freedom is crooked because the ego is tricky. The path is arduous because we are creatures of preference. The journey from the known (Ego) to the unknown (Faith) to the unknowable (Awakening) is possible for all because the Masters who have walked before and among us today have done the deep work and speak of its possibilities. The reach is perilous but the reward is the pearl beyond price. 

“The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it – basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them” - Charles Bukowski 

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Mindfulness. Whole Life Practice. Practical and Extraordinary.